Lead a Lunchtime Group
Scripture Union NSW is committed to providing young people with the opportunity to hear and discuss the Good News of the Bible. Since our first ISCF group in 1935, Scripture Union has had a unique place in NSW state schools, supporting SUPA Clubs in primary schools and ISCF groups in high schools.
We currently have more than 140 lunchtime groups running all around NSW and are committed to seeing these continue to grow so more young people can be reached with the good news of Jesus.
If you would like to know more about starting a lunchtime group in your local school – we have all you need to know and all the resources and forms you will need below.

Resources for Starting a New Group

Schools Ministry Flyer
Describes the who, why, how, what and when of lunchtime groups.
Find out moreAttendance Roll and Permission Notes

SUPA Customisable Permission Note
With customisable fields to add in school name, day, time and location of group
Find out more
SUPA AfterSchool Permission Note
Specifically for SUPA clubs that run out-of-school hours
Find out more
ISCF Customisable Permission Note
With customisable fields to add in school name, day, time and location of group
Find out moreIdeas and Tips
Frequently Asked Questions
Lunchtime groups are fun, welcoming environments where students can explore and ask questions about faith in an informal setting.
Aims of lunchtime groups include:
- For students to grow in their faith and knowledge of Christian spirituality.
- To promote wellbeing and spiritual health amongst students.
- To empower students to lead and have a voice.
- To create a safe and inclusive environment for students to explore issues of faith and spirituality.
Some students may not be comfortable, able or interested in attending SRE classes but may be open to exploring faith outside of the classroom environment.
There are many different ways to run an ISCF group depending on preference, school culture, size etc. Be creative and adapt to the school you are in and the students you are serving.
Common structures include:
- Game & bible discussion – the most common ISCF format, might look something like:
1. Game/ice breaker
2. Bible input
3. Small group discussion
4. Prayer - Discussion groups – Using our ‘Chat-a-box’ resource in small groups. Students discuss the topic together and pray if comfortable.
- Bible Study – for smaller groups supporting Christian students. Go through a bible study book/you version and pray together
- Event Based – Hold an event once a term to show love to the school community eg. Sausage sizzle, art project, fundraiser.
SUNSW have resources which can help, including a template of a letter to send or give the principal, information flyers about lunchtime groups and testimonials from the community on the value of these groups. We are also happy to offer support in meeting with the principal alongside you if that is helpful.
Many of our volunteers are SRE teachers with existing affiliation to ministry bodies such as Generate or Youthworks or DoE teachers at the school. Registering with SUNSW might seem unnecessary, but we assure you it’s not!
Just a few reasons why you should register with us:
- Resources – SUNSW has a range of high-quality, lunchtime group specific resources, available free for SUPA and ISCF volunteers. Browse online and only pay for postage when you order.
- Support – When you register with SU, you become part of the SU family. Our schools’ team is here to support and serve you providing pastoral care, prayer support, free resources, training opportunities, school-related events, advocacy, advice, and guidance throughout the year. You can also connect with fellow volunteers on FB or through our Schools events
- Compliance – Lunchtime groups are categorised by the DoE as VSA’s (Voluntary Student Activities) and do not fall under SRE. Consequently, students who have opted out of SRE can still attend lunchtime groups with parental permission. Furthermore, additional compliance measures are required to run lunchtime groups, including insurance, attendance, permission, child protection etc. Registering with SUNSW ensures that you meet these compliance measures.
- Credibility – SUNSW volunteers have been present in schools since 1935. This history has resulted in a long standing relationship with the DoE and a well-regarded reputation in schools.
SUNSW has a small staff supporting a large volunteer base. We can support you with resources, advice, prayer, phone calls, emails and, where we can, visit the school with you.
Please see our website to order current resources.
Many of these are available free on Youversion.
We ask for assistance with postage for printed copies of resources, however, due to the generosity of our donors, the resources themselves are free for SUNSW volunteers.
Collecting attendance rolls is required to adhere to child protection policies.
Since volunteers are collecting an attendance roll for a Scripture union activity, the information is then retained for SU records. It is important that SU hold accurate records to reflect exactly which children and which leaders were in attendance on any given day.
You could start with asking if they could take over small jobs like make posters, keep the student roll, lead an ice- breaker game, read the Bible verse, ask the office to put an ad for ISCF? SUPA in the school weekly notices, play a great Christian song & share what you gained from it. If a Year 9- 12 student knows the Lord and wants great discipleship and leadership skills to lead ISCF, please talk to them about SU Leadership Conference!