Church Partnership
At Scripture Union NSW, we are looking for ways to build partnerships with churches. We hold to the truth that the church is the body of Christ held together and we grow up in him; both as a fellowship throughout the world and as the local congregation in which all believers gather.
We understand that there is a rich diversity in the makeup of the churches throughout each of the denominations. Yet, we believe that there is a place where we could partner with you.

Scripture Union NSW believes in the power of prayer. Join us as we commit ourselves to the ministry of SU NSW and sharing the Good News of Jesus! We have the following opportunities available:
SU Pray is a regular monthly gathering to connect with and support one another in global, community and personal prayer.
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Your generosity can help support children, young people and families across NSW hear the Good News of Jesus!
- Current Appeal
- Schools Ministry
- Bequests
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Volunteer Opportunities
We have a number of opportunities available for you to volunteer with us and be part of sharing the Good News of Jesus across SU NSW! Whether that is at a camp, mission, schools or behind the scenes – there is something for everyone.
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SU NSW Membership
Application for Governing Membership of Scripture Union NSW. Governing Members of Scripture Union NSW have a special role in ensuring Scripture Union NSW holds true to its to its purposes, through prayer and governance related activities.
Governing Members take an active interest in supporting the movement and elect the Board of Directors.
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Welcome to the Scripture Union NSW Community! If you would like to get involved but can’t find what you’re looking for, we’d love to help. Reach out today!
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