The One Behind The Book: God’s Saving Plan as Revealed in the Bible.
There can be no doubt that the Bible has had a massive impact on the world we live in. Not only is the Bible the highest-selling book of all time, but countless numbers of people throughout history have also believed it contains the very words of God — the God who created all things, including you and me. So, have you ever wondered what the Bible is actually about? Is it just an old book that is now outdated and irrelevant? What does it tell us about God and about the world? How do I fit into this story, if at all? Does God have something to say to me?
These eight studies aim to help you answer all of these questions. Looking at Genesis through to Revelation, ‘The One behind the Book’ is designed to walk students through God’s salvation story as it is revealed in the Bible. Students will be encouraged to discover who God is, why he created them and what his plan is for them and the world.
Resource details:
- Comes with a leaders’ edition and student booklet
- 8 sessions
- Also available on YouVersion or search for this resource on the YouVersion app.
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