About School Ministry
Since our first ISCF group in 1935, Scripture Union NSW has had a unique and respected place in NSW state schools.
We long to make the good news of Jesus known to all those in and around schools, be they students, teachers, or parents and carers through facilitating the running of lunchtime groups, equipping students with leadership skills, encouraging prayer for schools and supporting Christian teachers.

Lunchtime Groups
We facilitate the running of lunchtime groups in primary schools (SUPA Clubs) and high schools (ISCF groups). These groups run as approved Department of Education voluntary student activities and provide a safe, relaxed place for students to learn more about Christianity through engaging, enjoyable and age-appropriate activities. Groups may be led by Scripture teachers, local youth ministers or church members, parents, school staff or the students themselves. If you are interested in starting a lunchtime group at your local school, we would love for you to reach out to us!
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Student Leadership
At Scripture Union NSW, we believe in training and equipping students to be leaders. We believe that leadership takes shape in many different forms and we are committed to helping each student develop leadership skills, whether that is leading studies, administration, setting up and packing away, or being a good listener and demonstrating pastoral care. Find out more about our leadership resources, training programs and annual Leadership conference below or please get in touch with us!
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Praying for Schools
We believe that we honour God when we prayerfully rely on him. We would love to see local churches, parents, and communities gather together regularly to pray for their local schools and lift up the students, staff, parents, and whole school community to God, praying that his Spirit will work powerfully to see these people come to know him. If you would like to find out more about starting a prayer group we would love to hear from you!
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Christian Teachers Connect
Scripture Union NSW recognises that there are many great joys and challenges in being a Christian teacher in a state school. Become part of our growing Christian Teachers Connect network so that you may receive invitations to Christian Teachers Connect events as well as encouragement and prayer for this important work of living for Christ in the role God has called you to.
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Want to do something impactful in your holiday break? Get hands-on experience in sharing the Good News of Jesus while enjoying your summer in paradise. Be immersed in a new culture, make meaningful friendships and put your Christian faith into action at Scripture Union’s Schoolies in Vanuatu. Schoolies is open to NSW school students completing their HSC in the calendar year of the scheduled event.
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Welcome to the Scripture Union NSW Community! If you would like to get involved but can’t find what you’re looking for, we’d love to help. Reach out today!
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